In the picture above you can see Islwyn making fishy faces. He LOVES making fishy faces. Actually, I LOVE it when he makes fishy faces. So I make him make them all the time. I think it is soo cute. Now he thinks that he has to make fishy faces to give me kisses. It is so adorable. So here he is-at the dinner table, making fishy faces because I am begging him to. You'll also notice the blue stuff all over his face. If you look at the picture below, you will see he still has blue stuff all over his face.

He is obsessed with blueberries. I mean, obsessed. You can even see a blueberry in his mouth if you look closely. Anyway, he begs and begs for blueberries. Whenever he gets into his chair for a meal he just says (in sign language) that he is "all done" while saying it out loud as well. Then he points at the freezer and says, "more." In sign language and the spoken word simultaneously. It has gotten to the point where I have to give him some frozen blueberries to even get him to eat other food. I guess he really IS a Main-uh. By the way--did you know that like 95% of all the blueberries sold in the US are from Maine? And like 80% of them Islwyn has eaten by now I think.

In other family events, we decided ( I mean I) decided that we were going to repaint the kitchen. We are hoping to get a new floor in there soon--since the stuff that is in there now is at least like 30 years old and is disintegrating in many spots. Also, no matter how hard I scrub--it still looks dirty and that makes me crazy. So anyway, I decided that since the walls were sooo dirty--which you can't really see in the pics--but believe me--the walls were dirty. I decided that we should repaint the kitchen BEFORE getting the new floor. Then we can just get paint all over the old gross floor while painting and it is no big deal. So above you can see a picture of Islwyn helping Jonathan tape around the walls in preparation for the painting. Below, is a pic of our kitchen before we painted it.

I know, I know, in the pic the walls actually don't look bad. But believe me--they were very dirty and probably hadn' t been painted in like 20 years. Below is a pic of the kitchen now that it has been painted.

Note the cool 1950's counter and cabinets. Love them. In the next picture you can see the neat light fixtures too. I know that this yellow is pretty bold--but I like it!