I guess it is just barely Autumn really, but Islwyn and I have been having so much fun enjoying the weather and just fall stuff! Last year we accidentally left a pumpkin out in the garden and this year a whole bunch of huge pumpkin vines grew. We picked one of the pumpkins yesterday--Islwyn was so excited about picking it. We went to a pumpkin patch last week and got a whole bunch of pumpkins and gourds--but I think it was more exciting to get a pumpkin out of our very own garden. Islwyn also has to check our tomato plants every day and see if any tomatoes are red so we can pick them.
Every Friday we drive out to a farm to pick up a big bag of fresh, organic, locally grown produce. We are members of a farm that does Community Supported Agriculture. We pay them in the winter for the whole growing season. Then all through the summer and fall we pick up a bag of fresh produce every Friday. Islwyn LOVES going to the farm. They have all kinds of tractors, gators, and other farm machinery. He also loves to see the cows, pigs, goats, and chickens. This last Friday, Joan (the lady who runs the CSA), let him sit on a tractor and an ATV. He also got to pet some kitties. As a result of being a part of the CSA we got TONS of tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers. We spent the whole afternoon yesterday making pickles. We also preserved a whole bunch of tomatoes and peppers. The fall squashes and things are coming in now -- those are my favorite!
On Sunday the March of Dimes hosted a "Touch a Truck" event. They had all kinds of trucks -- fire engines, ambulances, limos, one of the tv stations brought their broadcasting truck with the camera equipment. But of course Islwyn's favorite was the gator. He spotted it from across the field and ran over and jumped in. He had to have two turns "driving" it. His other favorite was a 1929 Model A truck.
Islwyn is REALLY excited about the costume party we are planning to host for Halloween. He keeps talking about the costume party. He picked out his costume--a skunk! We also have picked out some different treats and activities. I am experimenting with make brownie pops that look like little pumpkins and ghosts--so Islwyn has been enjoying doing the taste testing part of that project. We also want to have fun games for like 2 year olds to play. I think we will do bobbing for apples, that fishing game where they fish for something and get like a toy or treat or something, maybe a sand box with toys or treats they have to find. That is all we've thought of so far, so if anyone has any ideas for fun games/activities for 2 year olds... I love planning parties and making cool treats and decorations. Especially when I start thinking about it months in advance so have lots of time.
Islwyn was invited to a birthday party last weekend. He had so much fun. I think the highlight of the event was that he got to make his own ladybug. He carries it around the house now. We haven't done many craft projects--but I am thinking he is getting to the age where we can start doing some gluing and stuff together.
Another one of Islwyn's favorite fall things to do is pick apples at his friend Phinneas' house. We went last week and had so much fun. There were also some late blackberries we got to pick and eat right away. The boys were covered in blackberry juice.
I can't think of any other fall things we have done this year yet--but I will try and update Islwyn's activities WITH pictures!