Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Moving ...

A view into our dining room--full of boxes. We are loading the truck on Thursday and plan to arrive in Denver next Thursday or Friday. We just packed the big computer away so there won't be any updates until we get unloaded in Denver probably. Mical--I plan to post some great pictures from mom and dad's! Just haven't had time yet. Pray for a safe trip for us and that Jonathan doesn't get heat stroke driving the un-airconditioned Honda through Missouri and Kansas in July.....


Tori said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't realize you were moving! Safe travels indeed!

Mical said...

I hope Jonathan is ok! :D How exciting, it will be nice to be able to spend some more time with Mom and Dad around the pool (sooo jealous!) and then be able to get settled in Denver before the baby comes. (!!!) Ok, let us know how it goes!

TheMuscatoHansens said...

Thinking of you! Hope all is going well and that you are safely in Denver. Big hugs!