Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan...and other events!

Jonathan turned 29 this year. And so he got a strawberry - rhubarb pie. Here he is blowing the candles out with Islwyn's help.More blowing.....the only candles we had were the ones that keep re-lighting. Anyway, you will notice the screen leaning up against his chair. We had to take the screen out of the window to install my window boxes. At the same time, I was trying to paint the trim of the windows--outside the house--without a ladder and though maybe I could paint them from the inside. But, that was like 2 weeks ago and I have still not finished my painting and the screen is still sitting there....

Islwyn has recently discovered that he can wash dishes. So here he is washing some dishes for me.

I LOVE helping mama!!

Here is Islwyn getting into his big boy bed. Unfortunately, at the time of this publication he is back in his crib. But that is ok. He is still really young to be able to sleep in a big boy bed. He did pretty good--except he kept falling out of his bed during the night. Which was really scary for him. Also, after about a week, he realized that he could just get up out of bed and come into mama and papa's room and PLAY--any time he wanted!!!! 1 am, 4 am, whenever!!! So, finally after being up from 1-4:30 this morning, Jonathan put the crib back together. He fell asleep after being in his crib about 10 seconds.

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